Here are my new shoes and Wally, the walker, my new walking buddy for the next few weeks. I went to the Dr. yesterday - and everything seems to be going well. I believe I'm in less pain this time than I was 1 week post surgery with the other two surgeries (Sept 2007 & Dec 2007) on my left foot. I return to have the sutures removed next week - and then consult with the physician on June 20th to see if the pin is ready to be removed. If it is not - I will have to wait until the week of July 7th. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that June 20th is sufficient - while I certainly want to make sure the fusion is successful this time. For those of you facing removal of a Morton's Neuroma or Metatarsophalangeal fusion... having been through both surgeries twice... I recommend following Dr. orders - and avoid cortizone injections and leave pins in as long as possible. I believe the two cortizone injections in my left foot to 'stave' off surgery to remove the neuroma - probably compromised the volar plate in my foot - resulting in the hammertoe and the necessity of the Metatrsophalangeal fusion and tendon transfers. The first attempt to fuse resulted in a 'non-union' and required a second fusion surgery. In the mean time... all the weight bearing and compression on my right foot resulted in another Mortons Neuroma in my RIGHT foot. This time - the neuroma was removed without prior cortizone injections. The neuroma on my left foot was in the less common location between the 2nd and 3rd toe - the neuroma on my right foot was between my 3rd and 4th toe, the location of 80% of all neuromas.
Here is my disclaimer - If you are squeamish - the photos below are not pleasant....
If not ... and you have done a blog search for Morton's Neuroma or Hammertoe repair.... the following will help with your expectation of incision locations and results 1 week Post Op.
PS: For my family and friends have that enjoyed my party trick... looks like my unique ability to 'flip the toe' will remain intact!!!!
Your career as a foot model is OVER!!!! Andy
Oooooh—do they come in navy???? Haha! - Missy
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