One year ago today, my friend, Lisa Mora was murdered by her husband, Omar Mora - with her mother and two young sons (7 & 2) witnessing the violent murder. Lisa lived in an abusive relationship - and was controlled by her abusive husband for years. Sadly, many people were not aware of the abuse that was going on in their home, and were suprised that Omar could do such a thing. This is the pattern for abusers ... convincing everyone else they are charming people, while they emotionally, verbally, physically and sexually abuse their partners. Isolation is their goal, while attempting to convince their victims that they are responsible for the behavior. Abuse leaves a terrible legacy that is passed down from generation to generation. Abuse can be emotional, physical, verbal, substance or sexual, but the same patterns and behaviors develop in the victim - and the children that are witness to abuse live a life that examples the abuse as normal and acceptable behavior, thus resulting in a destiny of a lifetime of abuse.
The legacy must be stopped -
Break the Silence .... Make a Call.
National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233 (SAFE)
http://www.ndvh.org/HELP FIND OMAR MORA
OMAR MORA fled the scene and has not been seen since. In July 2007, his truck was found in Chicago. He is suspected to be in Mexico.
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