I recieved an email from my Aunt Barbara this week - I've always had a very special place in my heart for my Aunt Barbara and Uncle Ovie. Aunt Barbara is my Daddy's older sister. When I was 4 years old, they moved to California - and to my four year old mind, that was a million, gazillion miles away. I vividly remember the day we gathered for a cook out at my Grandparents house to wish them farewell. I remember that I cried. My sentiment for my Aunt Barbara has always been strong - there is a very, very special bond between us. I'm thankful for this dear Aunt of mine.... and I'm thankful she is still very present in my life, even though she lives a million, gazillion miles away. While I hestitate to focus on 'things' - her email this week informed me of a few items that belonged to my Great Grandmother and my Great Aunt that she wants me to have. I appreciate that I will have these items - but mostly, I appreciate that my dear Aunt wants ME to have these things. So in appreciation of my Aunt's generosity to share these items with me... this weeks Friday FIVE! will focus on a few of my most sentimental treasures....
1. My Mothers Wedding Dress - She loved her wedding dress....and she loved my Daddy.
While the dress is beautiful - the marriage that began the day she wore it is the true sentiment of this dress.
2. A Quilt that my Grandma Pence gave me - A quilt made from my Aunt Barbara's dresses and stitched by my Grandma, My Great Grandma and my Great Aunt Vera
3. An amethyst ring that my Grandpa Alexander had given my Grandmother for Valentines Day before I was born. I was very small when my Grandma promised it would be mine on my 16th birthday - because the heart shaped amethyst stone symbolized my Valentine birthday. She kept her promise and gave it to me on when I turned sweet sixteen.
4. A small black and white pillow that my daughters, Katie and Betsy gave me....that says "Your love and belief in me have been my inspiration. Thank you for being my mother and my guide, I love you" I love my daughters so much - and am so proud of the beautiful women they have become.
5. My 'handcarved' engagement ring from my dear husband, Bruce. When we were engaged, he lead me to believe he couldn't afford and engagement ring, so he 'whittled' one for me. He asked me to marry him with the little whittled ring, and then suprised me with the real thing later that Christmas day. The ring did not matter to me - I was just delighted to say yes to him!
1 comment:
I was so pleased to see the picture of that quilt today--I remember it so well and glad to know you have it. I have been reading a series of novels based on quilters lately--The Elm Creek series. I think she wrote 12 or 13 and I have read 5--so quilts are buzzing around in my head.
I would bet anything that the one you have was also quilted by Grandma Ballard's sister , Aunt Byrth, as I recall the quilting frame was set up in Grandma's dining room when Aunt Byrth arrived for one of her visits and the women would sit around it talking and quilting. Aunt Byrth was the real seamstress of the family. She made the suit your dad wore as ring bearer at Aunt LuVine's wedding.
I heard from your mom today--will be thinking of her on the 9th. Bless you for being so good to her.
Love, Aunt B
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