Saturday, March 1, 2008

Friday's FIVE!

In the news this week - a couple from Georgia won the largest Mega Million lottery in history ...
275 Million dollars - for a single lottery ticket. The numbers they picked, were their grandchildren's birthdates.....
I have a new grandchild due May 16th - so I know how special those days can be....
My favorite dates are:
1. 2/14 - My birthday.... and my wedding anniversary ... and valentines day. It is my TRIFECTA day -
2. 3/22 - Bruce's Birthday
3. 5/17 - Katie's Birthday
4. 10/31 - Betsy's Birthday
5. 1/18 - Tyler's Birthday

I love my family and I love to celebrate their special days!!!
It would be a good guess, that if I were playing the lottery - the numbers on the ticket would be (and have been)........


or a any other combination of the above 5 dates!

1 comment:

Allie said...

I tagged you..check my blog out.