Marion, Indiana is not a big city... however - it is still a 'city' and it is where I was raised. When I was growing up as a 'laker' - a childhood friend of mine that lived on a farm near the lake used to call me a 'city kid'. I never really thought of myself as a 'city-kid'.... however, that is what I was. My children were also raised as 'city-kids'. Living in the city meant - the library was within walking distance, Taco Bell was less than 5 minutes from our house, our mailman walked from house to house with a mailbag on his shoulder - our house was next to the hospital and sirens were frequently heard... ingredients for a recipe was easily obtained within minutes if it wasn't in the pantry.... and a neighbor was less than 200 steps from the front door. Living in the county is different than living in the 'city'. The same childhood friend that called me a 'city kid' is now my neighbor (although his house is across the lake - if I were to walk, it would be about a mile and a half to his front door).... If we hear a siren - we check on everyone because we don't hear them often. We don't eat Taco Bell anymore because it would be cold by the time we arrived home from the 15 mile trip. A recipe isn't prepared without checking for every ingredient and putting it on a grocery list days in advance. Every trip to 'town' is thought out - because 'running' in to to pick up milk or a dozen eggs doesn't take just a few minutes. Life is definately different for the country mouse and the city mouse - but both has it's benefits...
One of the things I love about living in the 'country' is watching corn fields that surround me...watching the fields be plowed and planted - watching the corn grow up in rows - and watching the harvest of the corn... while the sea gulls flock behind the combine to catch a loose morsel of corn. The childhood friend that is now my neighbor that called me a 'city kid' is also the same farmer that farms all the fields for miles around us....and those fields are usually full of popcorn! There is a lot of corn in Indiana around us - but the corn that grows in our backyard is Popcorn - and it won't be long before it is ready for harvest. Our neighbor shares a few ears of the popcorn with us - and there isn't any better popcorn ... than the corn that comes straight from the field!! I love living in the country - and I'm looking forward to the harvest of the popcorn, I've been enjoying the harvest of the delictable Indiana Sweet Corn and I've certainly enjoyed watching it grow!
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