April 22 Earth Day marks the anniversary of the birth of the modern environmental movement in 1970. I was just 12 years old when the first Earth Day occurred.... It was a time of focus on our earth - I remember vividly "Keep America Beautiful" and the commercial with the American Indian - that shed the tear when someone threw trash from a car window - I remember the commercials "Give a Hoot, Don't Pollute"... The focus was on the environment... and it had a huge effect on me. More than 35 years later- we are still focusing on the environment by reducing our carbon footprint and 'going green' - I did not plant a tree this year (yet) - but I have made an effort to focus on reducing plastic bags -buying reusable shopping bags. I have made an effort to reduce the amount of plastic water bottles that I buy. Spring is upon us - and I've started my flower shopping - while I've perused the nursery aisles this week, I've taken careful notice of trees in respect for "Earth Day" - and taken time to appreciate the trees around me. This weeks Friday Five - focuses on 5 of my favorite TREEs.
Keep America Beautiful...
if you can't plant a tree ... take some time to appreciate a tree near you.
1. Weeping Willow Trees -
The east side of the lake used to be completely lined with weeping willow trees... and they looked like a waterfall when the wind would blow. In 2003, Bruce and I planted a Weeping willow on the east corner of our lakefront - and in 2005 we planted another weeping willow on the West side. I love my willow trees and enjoy the shade they bring on a hot summer day.
2. Sycamore Trees -
I grew up in Marion, Indiana... and during the 1970's ... Western Avenue/South bypass area was lined with Sycamore trees - and there was a big one in our front yard. Sadly, most of those trees have now been cut down - but I still remember the huge leaves that would blow around the yard - and I can still hear David Gates/Bread on my radio as I sat under that Sycamore tree writing teenage poetry.
3. Gingko Trees -
Easily recognized and always a part of our high school leaf collection as the Mississinewa High School parking lot was lined with Gingko trees. Everytime I see a gingko tree - I am taken back to the early 1970's and my high school days.
4. Oak Trees -
My grandparents had a huge oak tree in the front yard of their wildwood home in Marion - I can remember gathering with my cousins at Grandma and Grandpa's home and raking leaves all around that huge Oak Tree in Marion. There are also several tall oak trees behind our cottage at the road - and I can remember many fall weekends raking leaves at the lake when my daughters were young. Good memories of a hot pot of chili on a cold fall day ... and tall oak trees that have been standing for more than 5 generations.
5. Tree Tunnel on Tree Road -
There is a road in Kosciusko county - just a few miles from our cottage. Tree road is legendary to all of us that have traveled these roads. The excitement in my belly as we would travel to the lake when I was a little girl would only escalate as we drove down 'Tree Road' and I know my daughters share the same experience.... The Tree Tunnel on Tree Road was (and still is) a gateway to fun and sun and good times - before "I spying" and smelling the lake!
I love to read your 5 favorites on Friday.
You have a talent for writing and today was really special. For you--some of our favorite trees. Aunt B
I just read your blog about your five favorite trees...but you forgot
a very important one....Grandma Ballard's Magnolia tree in Roger's
front yard. It is in full bloom as I write this and is Soooooo
I hope this baby gets here soon!!!!!
I love you
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