As this week comes to a close ... I'm reflecting on the truly essential things in my life - working hard to appreciate that the best in things in life are not things....
1. The general good health of my family.
2. My peaceful - happy marriage to the love of my life
3. My relationship with my beautiful daughters.
4. A career that I love
5. The good friends in my life that are with me in good times and bad...
Friday, January 25, 2008
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
"How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours." ~Wayne Dyer
Maybe you think I'm cold or unfeeling, but I won't lose sleep over this. I won't run after you begging you to reconsider. I won't cry or ask you why. This won't break me. I know who I am. I know my strengths and my weaknesses as a human being. I know how far I will go and how much I'm willing to give. And I know that my choices are my own and I don't believe in regrets. I am confident in the person I am and I choose to be honest with myself and with others, even if it's not what you or I want to hear. This is who I am and this is who I will be long after you are gone. I will never hate you because I don't have room in my heart for hate. Chances are, after a while, I just won't think of you anymore.
Maybe you think I'm cold or unfeeling, but I won't lose sleep over this. I won't run after you begging you to reconsider. I won't cry or ask you why. This won't break me. I know who I am. I know my strengths and my weaknesses as a human being. I know how far I will go and how much I'm willing to give. And I know that my choices are my own and I don't believe in regrets. I am confident in the person I am and I choose to be honest with myself and with others, even if it's not what you or I want to hear. This is who I am and this is who I will be long after you are gone. I will never hate you because I don't have room in my heart for hate. Chances are, after a while, I just won't think of you anymore.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
The stages are:
Denial: The initial stage: "It can't be happening."
Anger: "Why me? It's not fair."
Bargaining: "Just let me live to see my children graduate."
Depression: "I'm so sad, why bother with anything?"
Acceptance: "It's going to be OK."
Kübler-Ross originally applied these stages to any form of catastrophic personal loss (job, income, freedom). This also includes the death of a loved one and divorce. Kübler-Ross also claimed these steps do not necessarily come in the order noted above, nor are all steps experienced by all patients, though she stated a person will always experience at least two.
Others have noticed that any significant personal change can elicit these stages. For example, experienced criminal defense attorneys are aware that defendants who are facing stiff sentences, yet have no defenses or mitigating factors to lessen their sentences, often experience the stages. Accordingly, they must get to the acceptance stage before they are prepared to plead guilty.
Additionally, the change in circumstances does not always have to be a negative one, just significant enough to cause a grief response to the loss (Scire, 2007). Accepting a new work position, for example, causes one to lose their routine, workplace friendships, familiar drive to work, or even customary lunch sources.
Denial: The initial stage: "It can't be happening."
Anger: "Why me? It's not fair."
Bargaining: "Just let me live to see my children graduate."
Depression: "I'm so sad, why bother with anything?"
Acceptance: "It's going to be OK."
Kübler-Ross originally applied these stages to any form of catastrophic personal loss (job, income, freedom). This also includes the death of a loved one and divorce. Kübler-Ross also claimed these steps do not necessarily come in the order noted above, nor are all steps experienced by all patients, though she stated a person will always experience at least two.
Others have noticed that any significant personal change can elicit these stages. For example, experienced criminal defense attorneys are aware that defendants who are facing stiff sentences, yet have no defenses or mitigating factors to lessen their sentences, often experience the stages. Accordingly, they must get to the acceptance stage before they are prepared to plead guilty.
Additionally, the change in circumstances does not always have to be a negative one, just significant enough to cause a grief response to the loss (Scire, 2007). Accepting a new work position, for example, causes one to lose their routine, workplace friendships, familiar drive to work, or even customary lunch sources.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Friday, January 18, 2008
Friday's FIVE!

As the week comes to a close - I'm focusing on relationships.... essential friendships in my life.
1. My old friend, My BB - Nicki, my friend that knows all my secrets - my friend that has been there for me in all the good times and all the bad times.
2. New friends .... My BFF Esther and Allen. The four of us have such a good time together. Bruce and Allen are as connected as Esther and I are. That is rare - I'm thankful for these neighbors that have become so close to us since we've moved to YCL.
3. My lifelong friend, Julie. My friend that I have known most of my life - and still am able to pick up where we left off when we are together. Julie is another friend that has been there for me in good times and bad - a true friend I know I can always count on.
4. My co-worker and confidant - Kelly. My professional cohort - my friend and companion at company events. A friend I trust, and a professional I respect.
5. My long trusted friend and now my sister-in-law Charmayne.... I am so lucky to have one of my very best friends become my family. I'm thankful for her everyday.
~~~~This is not an all inclusive list - I have many friends in my life that mean so much to me - and much like any awards show, I would like to list them all.....Janet, Sally, Sandy, Laura, Cheryl, Terri, Heather, Rachel, Renee, Lisa, Kim and the list goes on.... My relationships with female friends is so significant to me - and I've had many deep friendships. I hold them all close to my heart.
Friday, January 11, 2008
Friday's FIVE!
From this point - my Friday blog will focus on FIVE Essential things in my life.....
It may be things I'm thankful for - or things I enjoy.... or favorite things -
This week - I will focus on 5 essential things I'm especially thankful for.
1. A full week back to work - and a GREAT team of co-workers!
2. Fresh Ground Coffee from Betsy
3. Two feet on the ground (instead of hobbling on crutches)
4. Sharing a Mug at Mad Anthony's with my Peaceful Husband, Bruce
5. Telephone chats with Katie
It may be things I'm thankful for - or things I enjoy.... or favorite things -
This week - I will focus on 5 essential things I'm especially thankful for.
1. A full week back to work - and a GREAT team of co-workers!
2. Fresh Ground Coffee from Betsy
3. Two feet on the ground (instead of hobbling on crutches)
4. Sharing a Mug at Mad Anthony's with my Peaceful Husband, Bruce
5. Telephone chats with Katie
Thursday, January 10, 2008
I was released from my crutches today! That is the good news...
the bad news - The Tippy has not crested and it's still raining....and the lakes are still rising.
Pike Lake in Warsaw is devastating....We are praying for dry,sunny days...
My prayers continue for Megihann and her family... what a hero this mother is!
the bad news - The Tippy has not crested and it's still raining....and the lakes are still rising.
Pike Lake in Warsaw is devastating....We are praying for dry,sunny days...
My prayers continue for Megihann and her family... what a hero this mother is!
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
High Water!

Yesterday the temps reached 64 degrees.... and we have now about 3+ inches of rain.
We rarely see "flood warnings" in Kosciusko county, it seems the sandy, loamy soil and all the lakes make a good sponge. Sadly, just a few miles from us - a young mother, Megihann Leininger got stuck on a flooded rural road just a few miles from us and two of her 5 children died. Megihann was one of the first friends we met after we moved to Kosciusko County. We met Megihann and her sister at the bar in Mentone and I was affectionately drawn to them because they were about the age of my daughers. We haven't seen her for several years.... but my heart aches for her and her husband, Greg. We'll be keeping them in our prayers.
Monday, January 7, 2008
Back to Life... Back to Reality!
I went back to work today... nearly two weeks after my surgery. I'm still supposed to be non-weight bearing ... I'm supposed to be hobbling on crutches and I have not been released to drive...but I'm able to focus and do the consulting that my job requires. I still can't make it up the stairs to my office - but I was able to sit in my chair with my foot elevated, and get through all of my emails, complete a few new year tasks and review several policies. I worked all day... and I'm looking forward to getting back on the road, but I'm so grateful to have job that I am able to continue to do while I'm recovering.
I'm proud to be a part of an AMAZING team! TRS Rehab Services!
I'm proud to be a part of an AMAZING team! TRS Rehab Services!
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Ramekin of Butter!

I had prepared Cornbread for our dinner tonight and realized that I didn't have any butter. I did still have some Whipping Cream that was not outdated left from holiday cooking.
I remember vividly being in Mrs. Brown's second grade class at JCKnight Elementary School in Jonesboro, Indiana. We were taught in that public school classroom to memorize Luke 2 and the 23rd Psalm, we were taught cursive writing and we were taught how to make butter. I was amazed at the way the butter formed in the glass peanut butter jar as we each took our turn shaking the jar and passing it down the row of students. I'm pretty sure that Kenny Pearson passed the jar to me - and I probably passed it on to Brian Powers. We were really making BUTTER!!! Mrs. Brown had made home made white bread and after we were all done shaking the cream into a solid substance- we were all able to have a piece of the home made bread with the delicate yellow spread. I thought I was tasting a little piece of heaven that day.
So - when I realized I didn't have any butter, but I had the left over whipping cream...
the sounds and sights and smells of JCK and Mrs. Brown's second grade class came flooding back to me. Bruce and I both took turns shaking a jar - while the beans warmed and the cornbread cooked. I placed the butter in my new LeCreuset ramekin that Katie gave me for Christmas - and I served it with our Cornbread. Once again, now 40+ years later... I experienced little taste of heaven. Home made butter!
Saturday, January 5, 2008
The BEST Essentials!
Friday, January 4, 2008
BB & Pottery!
What a wonderful day! I've been couped up with Cabin Fever in the house since my surgery on 12/26. My hometown Best Bud, Nicki - came from Marion to pick me up and take me to Winona/Warsaw for lunch and a few hours of painting at the Pottery Bayou this afternoon. I love painting pottery - brushing on colors that you know will look completely different on the finished piece; creating an item in your head....and the excitement of seeing it when it comes out of the kiln, shiny and finished! I also love my friend - Nicki... whom I have shared secrets and thoughts ... wishes... heartaches... hopes ... dreams.... broken dreams.... excitement.... worry and nearly two decades of friendship. I cherish this dear friend of mine....this friend my children call "Aunt Nicki" - this friend that has been there for me in the worst of times and the best of times....this friend that I can paint pottery with and finish each others sentences. This friend that can be painting by my side - and nothing has to be said. Silence - and love. I'm so thankful for Nicki, My BB!
This friend is ESSENTIAL in my life....
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Deep Freeze

The lake is frozen today -
This is the first time this year it has been frozen in the morning...
and remained frozen all day. It also has a covering of snow on it...I love the peacefulness of the frozen lake. It's so still and quite. After it develops a pretty thick layer - it begins to groan.
It is such an unusual sound. I remember the first time I heard that sound - the winter of 2003, our first winter as residents. It is an eerie - and yet calming sound.
It is such an unusual sound. I remember the first time I heard that sound - the winter of 2003, our first winter as residents. It is an eerie - and yet calming sound.
Winter is a different place here - we have company...and are surrounded by people in the summer....but the cold and quiet is not as inviting as the warm sun and the summer fun of the lake. That is part of the appeal for us though - the diversity of it all.
There was a small open spot that in the lake this morning....and there must have been 10 coots huddled together in the small open water. I saw two Tundra Swans flying over the lake this afternoon. It won't be long, and we'll hear the loon ushering in Spring... and the lakers will soon follow - so for now, I will enjoy the peace and quiet......
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Yellow Bellied Sapsucker!

Recovering isn't so bad when the birds are hungry! I can see the bird feeder while I'm sitting with my foot elevated and on ice. The recent heavy snow has brought many appreciative, hungry birds to my feeder today! A Yellow Bellied Sapsucker has had my attention all day long!
A few of today's highlights includes:
Hairy Woodpecker
Downy Woodpecker
Redbreasted Nuthatch
Tufted Titmouse
A Pair of Cardinals
American Goldfinch
House Finch
Purple Finch
Black Capped Chickadee
Red Bellied Woodpecker
Blue Jay
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Happy New Year

We have about 10 inches of beautiful snow. The weather is perfect for a cross country ski outting... however, I'm on crutches - have ice on my foot and will be in a cast shoe for the next eight weeks. I have to think about the positive though, and appreciate that fact that it is January - rather than May... I do believe I would rather give up Cross Country skiing for riding my bike and kayaking.
We love living in Kosciusko County because of the activities available to us. Winona Lake has a wonderful mountain bike trail and there are so many lakes to enjoy great kayaking.
The county roads offer the perfect balance of hilly and scenic roads for country road bicycling.
There really aren't groomed cross country skiing trails, but the countryside alone lends itself to a good day in the snow.
I'm looking forward to our 6th year as residents in Kosciusko County - I am looking forward to 2008! We have made good friends here - and enjoy our life. It is truly a place where you can appreciate the essentials in life. I am looking forward to the birth of our second grandson, Trevor James. I am looking forward to continued growth of the great company I work for, TRS Rehab.
I am looking forward to Bruce completing his associates degree in the fall of 2008. I am looking forward to hosting more family gatherings at Yellow Creek Lake.
I hope that 2008 brings some travel - and some wanderings. I hope that 2008 brings a healthy new baby.... and general good health to all.
I hope 2008 brings a focus on healthy living and increased exercise and activities with decreased injuries and ailments. I hope we can finish a few unfinished projects - and I hope we can continue to enjoy our happy marriage and life together.
I hope to spend more time with my beautiful daughters - and their families. I'm looking forward to this year, this 50th year of my life.
I'm looking forward to truly focusing on the essentials for Living Life ZESTFULLY!!! Welcome 2008!
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