Friday, January 30, 2009

Friday's FIVE!

I was raised in First United Methodist Church in Marion, Indiana... and my daughters were raised in the same church. Our family was very involved - the girls were raised spending several nights a week at the church... for some meeting or activity. It was a huge part of our life.

We sat on every board in the church - include Ad Council, Pastor Parrish Committee, Board of Trustees, UMW - you name it... we were there. We cooked dinners, we participated in programs and Bible school... United Methodist Men dinners/United Methodist Women programs...Sunday school events and childrens programs.... but participating as a youth group sponsor was probably the most rewarding of all. We were recruited by Rev. David Byrum - just before he left to accept his new appointment. We had the pleasure of being sponsors under the leadership of the 'new' associate who became a very dear, lifetime friend, Rev. Byron Kaiser. We developed relationships with the youth group kids that is still special and strong.... During 1987 -1990, we spent every Sunday night working with the Youth - we went to camp and retreats... but the most significant event was Appalachian Service Project -where we were sent to work on homes in Iaeger, West Virginia. We were separated into small groups - and our lives were changed...
This weeks Friday Five is a focus of five of the most significant memories I have of that hot summer in West Virginia...

1. We took vans an carpooled to West Virginia... but our Associate Pastor, Youth Group leader and dear friend, Byron Kaiser was an avid kayaker and he was determined that we would add a little fun to this trip... so we made a side trip to Fayetteville, WV to rafter the Lower New River Gorge. It was quite a trip - and not an easy paddle.... but we made memories - and the day is something that I still talk about frequently.
2. We had to sleep in a school - a very, very old elementary school... We were told the school had showers - but we didn't know the showers were intended for elementary school children. In order to wash your hair... you had to get on your knees to let water run over your head. I also remember there were wild 'ferrets' in the building... it was not a 5 star hotel - but it was humbling...and we were there to serve.
3. We broke up into small groups - and each group had a project. Byron and I led our group of kids... and our project was to roof a shack on the side of the mountain. This shack was home to a family and the roof was falling down, our mission to replace the roof - while we demonstrated God's unconditional love. Everyday we would make the trek to the mountain. The shack was across a river/stream and we had to 'raft' the bundles of shingles and wade across the polluted stream or walk across the scariest foot bridge you have ever seen. I was terribly afraid of heights - and early in the trip, I stepped on a nail. I had to be seen by a physician - and there was not more wading for me, so I had to cross the bridge. It was true lesson in faith for me - my friend Byron encouraged me... That bridge has been very symbolic to my faith. It was grueling hard, hot work. The look of appreciation on the face of the family made it worth every minute.
4. We gathered with a group from the community to attend a local church... It was very different from our traditional 'First United Methodist Church'... I'm not sure what denomination it was... but all the women had on big hats - and I remember that they worshiped with their hands in the air and they sang and sang...and they said AMEN! They brought the scriptures to life...
I will be glad and rejoice in thee: I will sing praise to thy name, O thou most High. Psalm 9:21
5. Appalachia Service Project (ASP) is a Christian ministry that addresses the housing needs of Central Appalachia. The goal of the ministry is to make homes warmer, safer and drier for families in need, while offering transformational experiences for families, volunteers and staff alike. It was a transformational experience for me... a song that we sang ever night still lingers in mind.... "Lord, prepare me to be a sanctuary Pure and Holy, tried and true....with thanksgiving, I'll be a living sanctuary for You"... I left ASP - tired and weary and anxious to get home to my own children... but I also left with strengthened faith and a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ.
I was forever changed.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Friday's FIVE!

January in Indiana... Snow days and school delays, bad roads and snow plows and the cold weather... these are a few of the things that are the grocery line topics in Indiana. The appeal of Indiana for me is living in an state where we are able to truly enjoy four seasons. We experience spring, fall, summer and even winter at it's best. My Friday's FIVE! this week is a focus of five things I keep warm during our cold January winter....
1. Movie dates with my husband - We both love to go to the Movie theater... and share a bucket of popcorn and a good movie. We aren't frequent movie goers... but we do tend to go at least once or twice in January. This year, we have seen Marley and Me and Benjamin Button... Our first date was in December, 1974 - and we went to see "Airport '75"... we also went to see several movies together in January of 1975...
2. Birdwatching against white, new fallen snow... The vivid colors of a cardinal against the bright, white snow is a beautiful sight! Our Pastor mentioned seeing a an eagle just a few miles from us last is a great time for birdwatching!
3. The moan and groan of the frozen lake ... it is such an eerie, haunting sound... Typically, when the temperatures change at about sunset - it really roars. I love that sound - the sound is usually associated with cozy evenings at the cottage with a fire in the fireplace and a pot of soup of the stove!
4. White sales - I love new sheets... I love high thread count sheets when the temperatures are warm, but I especially love flannel sheets when the temperatures dip below freezing. Janyce Ward loved flannel sheets and when I would spend winter weekends in Indy with Laura, I remember flannel sheets. I love the cozy feeling of flannel sheets on a cold, January evening!
5. Tall-Quad-Nonfat-Upside Down-Extra Hot Latte from Starbucks. MMMmmmmm - a Hot Latte on a cold January day... We don't have a Starbucks in Warsaw (yet)... but there are plenty of them along the way of my work travels and airports - When I'm not traveling, we have a fine reasonable facsimile - "Courthouse Coffee" - where I can find a latte to keep to me warm right here at home!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Friday's FIVE!

In 1976 - my Grandmother gave me a wedding shower gift ... it was a little plaque that had a prayer on it.... the last sentence of the prayer was... "and grant them with the love of their children's children".... Nine years ago today ... January 18. 2000 - The good Lord answered that prayer....and I was given the greatest blessing of my life... I became a Grandmother! This week's Friday's FIVE! is a birthday tribute to Tyler and five happy thoughts/memories I have about Tyler.

1. I was so excited the day Tyler was born... a few weeks premature - his entry was a little scary and he was a little vulnerable - He spent a few days in the NICU at Marion General Hospital before his heart rate and O2 levels regulated. He was also jaundiced and the Drs. told Katie that he had to begin eating good before he could go home....We were two Moms on a Mission! I stayed the entire night at the hospital with her - and we worked together to get that beautiful baby to nurse successfully ... and it worked! Not long after that long night...Tyler came home and the joyous journey of being a grandparent had begun!!!

2. Tyler was only 2 1/2 years old when we moved to the lake full time. That first winter - he spent a snowy weekend with us. I wil never forget the sight of Bruce (on Cross Country Skiis) pulling him on a sled. We came in and warmed up our hands and enjoyed hot chocolate. The new snow at Yellow Creek Lake was a new winter wonderland that none of us had ever experienced...and it was a wonderful day that I'll never forget!

3. Tyler loves hot hot hot food... I remember when he was barely able to sit in a high chair... feeding him beans from Flores Mexican Restaurant in Gas City and he LOVED it! He has grown to love Louisianna Hot Sauce - hot wings - hot salsa.... you name it, he loves it HOT HOT HOT!! We were invited to share his birthday dinner tonight.... and his request was ENCHILADAS...

4. We spend a lot of hours watching Tyler spin around the lake on a tube... teeth chattering...lips blue - but he continues to point his thumb up..."Faster, Grandpa Bruce, Faster...." He loves to spend summer days at the lake... swimming, tubing, paddling, hunting for tadpoles and crawdaddies... Sometimes - Bruce and Tyler will take off on the pontoon... or paddleboat or kayak and I won't see them for hours... Tyler is the 5th generation to spend time at Yellow Creek Lake and we love to have him visit!

5. Tyler is a such a loving child - and his Mom and Dad have done a wonderful job raising such a smart, thoughtful boy. My heart melts when he wraps his long lanky arms around me and gives me big hugs and tells me he loves me or when I see him snuggled in the chair on Bruce's lap - eating popcorn and watching a movie. He has been on Bruce's lap since he was two years old...and at 9 years old, he is now all arms and legs - but he still loves to spend evenings on Grandpa's lap. I love that he is not too big to love his MeMe and Grandpa!


Sunday, January 11, 2009

Friday's FIVE!

“Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.”

This weeks Friday's FIVE! is a focus to my 2009 Mission... Bringing harmony to my life!

Balance - Harmony... a blend of all that is essential, in equal parts. The focus of this - is true harmony as I have experienced it in my life...

1. The marriage of my mother and father ... truly a love story. I'm so thankful for the gift of my parents love... not just the love they gave me - but the love they gave each other. My parents gave me the greatest gift a child can recieve... the love for each other - their love is true example of harmony.

2. Several years ago, Bruce and I hiked Andrews Bald - We made that hike late in the day... with the intention of seeing the sunset at the end of the hike at Clingmans Dome. The background of that sunset - behind those awesome mountains ... the vivid blues and mauves and reds... the scene was truly a harmony of color and views...

3. The look on the faces of my grandsons when they looked at each other for the first time... it was harmony at it's best. Tyler was over 8 years old when Trevor was born...and he was very ready for a sibling. Tyler has always been a positive, loving sibling and has not demonstrated any sibling rivalry. Trevor is now almost 9 months old and they still express that harmony toward each other...

4. I wait every year ... for the sound of the loon that arrives around the first day of spring.
The call of the loon has been the sound to ring in spring every year that we have been here. There is something so intriguing about the loons call - and we have such a short period of time to enjoy the wonderful sound as he only stays a few short weeks. When he calls, the 'lakers' have usually not returned...the lake is still peaceful and quiet - the call of the loon is the harmonious reminder of new life and awaking of the world!

5. Bruce and I live our lives in harmony... My life is peaceful now and I appreciate the harmony between us. We live our lives as true partners... we enjoy many of the same activities... and we enjoy spending time with each other... sitting across from each other at local hot spots carrying on a conversation about our day - or we enjoy just sitting in our chairs quietly.... no talking necessary. He is truly my soulmate - the harmony in my life....and I'm forever grateful!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Friday's FIVE!


Celebrating the New Year... a time for new beginnings - a time to reflect on the year that has past. My focus for 2008 was to focus on the things that are ESSENTIAL...
ESSENTIAL to me....not necessarily 'simple' - but essential. I focus on "mission statements" rather than 'resolutions'. It is my 'focus' for the year... so I don't necessarily have 'goals' to achieve... but a focus on my life. I try every day to think about my mission... and how I can focus my life toward that mission on that day.... Living 'Essential' in 2008... It is interesting to me that I chose to focus on the essential things when our economy bottoms out and at the end of the year - the focus for everyone becomes the essential things - focusing on what truly matters most.

This weeks Friday's FIVE! is a tribute to the essentials in my life....

1. My husband, Bruce... My soulmate, my best friend. I am so thankful for this peaceful man...for my partner. I love my life - and I tell him that every day. We enjoy every day together of our life together - Essential for Bruce this year was the hard work he invested to earn his Associates Degree...I'm proud of you - I LOVE YOU BRUCE!

2. My amazing daughters... These women are such a strong, amazing essential force in my life.
In their relatively short life, they have both faced many challenges...and they always rise above every situation. It has been an essential year for both of them... as Katie and Phil welcomed their second son, Trevor...and Betsy married her soulmate - Debbie. I am so blessed to have such wonderful daughters... my friends. I love you KATIE and BETSY - and PHIL and DEBBIE!

3. My Mother - My mother has always been an amazing, essential force in my life... and this year has not been any different. This has been an essential year for Mother. We have faced challenges together this year that have changing effects on our lives... We are facing transitions and adversity - and I will be there for my mother every step of the essential way...
I love you MOM!!! (I love you heaps and heaps and heaps and....)

4. My Grandsons... My legacy - these boys bring soooo much essential joy to my life...Unconditional - JOY. The hugs and kisses that Tyler gives me and the smile that beams across Trevors face when he greets me... are the essential things in life that truly gives breath to my day. These are truly the essential things!!! I love you TYLER and TREVOR!

5. My Brother - We are five years and 1300 miles apart. We have had other essential years - but this one has been one of the defining years. We are a team... and we work together well. I'm thankful that we are positively focused for the essentials in our lives... I love you ROGER and COLLEEN!

As always - this is NOT an all inclusive list... there are so many 'essentials' in my life... Of course all of my extended family is essential to me. All of Bruce's family... my cousins and my neices and Aunts and my Uncle and all of my essential friends that have stood by throughout this year...

The essential things in my life aren't 'things'... it isn't crystal or keepsakes... or the house in which I live - it isn't the mountains I climb or the waters I paddle. It isn't a pair of earrings or the car I drive. It isn't the size of jeans that I wear or the style of my hair... The true essentials in our lives are those that we love... and those that love us. I'm lucky to have so many wonderful 'essentials' in my life!