I've lived my life battling my weight with a flurry of eating disorders. My weight has fluctuated at least 70 pounds and as much as 100 pounds at a time. I've lost and gained weight more times than I can count. Many people fluctuate 10-20 pounds...but I truly fluctuate 50-80...Its hard on my body, I know it is.
I don't like being overweight - and I love being fit and thin. I know both extremes. I've worn clothing as large as a size 40 jeans - and I've worn a size 3. I've been extremely fit and I've been extremely obese.
I've struggled with bulemic behaviors -and I've been on every diet in the world. I was just 9 years old when I experienced my first episode of 'diet' pills. My pediatrician actually prescribed diet pills!!! I had the cleanest bedroom in my class! Mom also had me on the diet candy 'Aydes' when I was a child.
I was 15 when I went to Weight Watchers for the first time. That was my first big loss - I lost about 70 pounds that time. By the time I married when I was 18, I had to order a size 20 wedding dress. In 1977, I was 19-20 years old I started a diet on my own, counting calories... 600-700 a day. I lost weight pretty fast ... about 85# that time. I have done the Adkins diet, I have done the cabbage diet, I've taken Redux, Adipex, Didrex, Phen Fen, Xenical - you name....I've done it.
In 1980 - after Katie was born I went back to Weight Watchers and lost 77#.... I became a leader for Weight Watchers and kept the weight off for over 10 years. After I was accepted into the OT program in Indy - I had to leave my job as a Weight Watcher leader....and it all (and more) came back on again.
I graduated from OT school in 1993 - and by 1996 I had acheived my all time high of 246#. I was miserable. I went to a Weight Loss Dr. and started taking diet pills with monthly Dr. visits, cardio checks, blood pressure checks and weight/body fat measurements. I lost about 100# and took up weight lifting. I became very thin and extremely fit....it was my obsession. I worked hard on my body - and my body became hard. I also learned at that time that there was a little bit of an athlete in me. It was at this time that I took up my bike riding and my routine work-outs.
After Bruce and I married in 2002 - my weight gradually increased about 30#. I've fluctuated about 15 -20 pounds over the last 5 years. The recent foot surgeries have kept me from being able to go to the YMCA or ride my bike. More weight has crept on.... so......
In February I went back to Weight Watchers... and followed the Flex plan without much success. Three weeks ago - I decided to start following the Weight Watchers CORE program.
The Core Program consists of foods that are low in energy density, meaning they contain a small number of calories per ounce. CORE foods are whole foods- and very few foods are processed... measuring and tracking is not a part of this program. Just healthy eating to satisfaction from CORE foods! Its a balanced, highly nutritious lifestyle ... with healthy whole foods high in antioxidants.
I have been enjoying enjoying cooking and trying new recipes - we've been eating at home more and we will both be healthier because of it. I'm proud to be doing this without diet pills or purging of some kind. I've decided that even if I don't lose weight (I'm down 10# so far) - at least I'm eating healthy and focusing on a better lifestyle for Bruce and I.
So - with a focus on my current Weight Watcher CORE program... this weeks Friday's FIVE! is a tribute to five of my favorite things about the CORE program.
1. FRESH fruits and vegetables - especially fruit. I have really enjoyed Honey-Dew, Blueberries, Strawberries, Cherries, Nectarines... etc. etc. etc.
2. Skim Milk ...I have always loved milk - but didn't drink it very often because it seemed a 'waste' of my calories. Focusing on nutrition - I enjoy a cold glass of skim milk everynight before I go to bed.
3. Steel Cut Oats ... I've mentioned this more than once in this blog - but I just love Steel Cut Oats! 1/4 C Steel Cut Oats/1 Cup Water/1/4tsp salt and a dash of cinnamon in a 1.5 qt crockpot before bed - and hot and steamy oats are ready for breaksfast when I wake up in the morning!
4. Weightwatchers.com - I love the Weight Watchers website ... the recipes, the message boards and the e-tools. http://www.weightwatchers.com/
5. Weekly Weigh-In - Monday nights....my weekly weigh-in. I look forward to weighing in and sitting through the meetings in a must for me. I need the accountability of getting on the scales routinely...
Okay - I did it. I made it public....I'm trying to lose weight, again. I'm not ready to post my official 'before' pictures yet....but I have had the guts to have Bruce take some photos. I'll be posting occassional updates on my progress.... My goal = 50# in my 50th year!
I think it is realistic to see my goal by my birthday - February, 2009 when I turn 51.
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Go, Mom!
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