Between us, Bruce and I had both had Basset Hounds. Bruce had Sam and Max and I had Lucy and Charlie. We both loved Basset Hounds - but the physics of a Basset hound is just not conducive to swimming and frolicking in the lake.
Our yard and small home and our busy work schedules were not a good fit for the large good natured watch dog that loved kids. I ran an ad on http://www.petfinder.com/ and found a family in Fort Wayne, Indiana that was looking for a dog that matched Hobie's description. The patriarch worked for a railroad and was gone for a days at time. They wanted a good watch dog - that enjoyed children. Hobie was the perfect match for them. Ironically - the same family owned a Basset hound, who wasn't such a good watch dog. The family also shared our love for Basset hounds and had presented a Basset to their best friends when they were struggling with infertility. That Basset must have brought good luck to that family - as the woman became pregnant after they recieved the Basset. The family didn't want to keep the Basset after the baby was born. How sad for this Basset - and it was the second time a family had given this Basset up because they didn't want her around thier children.
The family from Fort Wayne that wanted Hobie retrieved the Basset hound from their friends... We loaded Hobie in the back of Bruce's Tracker one Sept. Sunday afternoon in 2003. The Family loaded, Millie - the Basset in thier car and we met 'half-way' in South Whitley, IN
We traded dogs in the parking lot of Gas Station in South Whitley, Indiana.
I haven't heard from the Fort Wayne family in well over 4 years... but I know that Millie has brought so much joy to our lives. She is the best dog in the world. She doesn't swim or frolick in the water - but she LOVES to go for Pontoon rides and she sure enjoys the breeze that comes from the lake as she lays out under the weeping willow trees. Lankenau's Luau is a favorite event for her - as she is treated to ALOT of Hog during the event!!!!!!
We sure do love her alot - and have NO regrets or question that our Petfinder.com experience resulted in a very happy exchange for all of us. We couldn't ask for a better dog than Millie - and she is wonderful with our Grandsons. The families that gave her up because they didn't want her around children resulted in our gain. Our lives are richer because of Millie!